Dr. Ing. Constantin VERTAN


Campus LEU, B 141

tel: (021) 402.4791, (021) 402.4683
fax:      (021) 402.4821 
email:  cvertan [at] alpha.imag.pub.ro


Research interests:

image processing and analysis, content-based image retrieval, fuzzy and genetic algorithms.

coordinates the master program Advanced Digital Imaging.


Professional activity:


2002 - young researcher distinction "In tempore opportuno" of the "Politehnica" University of Bucuresti (UPB)

2004 - young researcher distinction "In Hoc Signo Vinces" - Magna cum laudae of the National Council for Scientific Research (CNCSIS)

2008 – Senior Member, IEEE

Curricular courses:

·  Image Analysis

·  Image Processing and Analysis

·  Color Image Processing and Analysis

Last Update: 08/10/2010