Spring International
The 6th edition
( May 2000, Bucuresti, Romania)
The School consisted of several
courses of post-graduate level and conferences
held by international renowned professors and young researchers. The lectures
were given in French, except for the courses
of the non-francophone professors, that were taught in English.
The following courses were given:
"Traitement et Analyse
d'Images Multicomposantes" (30h of which 6h applications),
Philippe Bolon et Prof. Patrick Lambert,
LAMII, Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs d'Annecy, Université
de Savoie, France.
"Filtrage optimal en
moyenne quadratique des signaux multidimensionels" (30h of which
6h applications),
Prof. Daniel Baudois et
Jerôme Mars, Laboratoire Image Signeaux, Institut National
Polytechnique de Grenoble, France.
"Differential Geometriy
Methods in Computer Vision" (7h), Prof. Mario
Ferraro, Institute for Signal Processing, Universita di Torino,
"Active Vision"
Dr. Roberto Nerrino, Institut Electrotechnique
National Gallileo Ferraris, Torino, Italy.
"Dynamic Features and
Tracking for Computer Vision" (7h), Prof.
Erhardt Barth, Institute for Signal Processing, Medical University
of Lubeck, Germany.
"Morphologie Mathematique
Appliquée à la Vision par Ordinateur" (16h), Prof.
Françoise Prêteux, Unité de Projets ARTEMIS,
Département Signal et Image, Institut National des Télécommunications
Evry, France.
"Modeles Deformables:
Applications a la Segmentation" (14h), Prof.
Nicolas Rougon, Unité de Projets ARTEMIS, Département
Signal et Image, Institut National des Télécommunications
Evry, France.
"Codage Couleurs par
des Attributs Statistiques" (4h), Prof. Christine
Fernandez, Université de Poitiers, France.
"Images et Attributs
Fractales" (4h), Prof. Noël Richard,
Université de Poitiers, France.
"Modelisation et caractérisation
des textures" (4h), Prof. Michel Léard,
Université de Poitiers, France.
"A propos des Métriques
en Imagerie" (6h), Prof. Michel Jourlin,
Institut Polytechnique de Lyon, France.
"L'espace des Sphères:
son Interet en Imagerie" (8h), Prof. Jean
Marie Becker, Institut Polytechnique de Lyon, France.
"Applications en Imagerie
Médicale Multimodalite" (6h), Prof.
Isabelle Magnin, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées
de Lyon, France.
"Indéxation et
Recherche d'Images par le Contenu" (4h), Dr.
Nozha Boujemaa, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et
Automatique, Rocquencourt, France.
"Qualité des
Images Couleurs, Mesure du Contraste Couleurs, Tendances technologieques"
(6h), Prof. Eric Favier, France.
"Generation of 3D Image
Data" (4h), Prof. Neil Davies, UK.
"Computer Graphic Generation
of 3D Image Data" (4h), Prof. Malcom McCormick,
"Data Compression and
Processing of 3D Image Data" (4h), Prof. Ammar
Aggoun, UK.
Program of the
May 16 |
Prof. Amar Aggoun(F) |
May 16-18 |
Prof. Erhardt Barth (D) |
May 2 -10 |
Prof. Daniel Baudois (F) |
May 24 - 26 |
Prof. Jean Marie Becker
(F) |
May 2 - 5 |
Prof. Philippe Bolon (F) |
May 23 - 24 |
Prof. Nozha Boujemaa (F) |
May 15 |
Prof. Malcolm McCormick
(GB) |
May 15 - 16 |
Prof. Neil Davies (GB) |
May 25 - 29 |
Prof. Eric Favier (F) |
May 22 - 23 |
Prof. Christine Fernandez
(F) |
May 16 - 18 |
Prof. Mario Ferraro (IT) |
May 24 - 26 |
Prof. Michel Jourlin (F) |
May 8 - 10 |
Prof. Patrick Lambert (F) |
May 22 - 23 |
Prof. Michel Leard (F) |
May 24 - 26 |
Prof. Isabelle Magnin (F) |
May 2 - 5 |
Prof. Jerome Mars (F) |
May 29 |
Prof. Roberto Nerino (IT) |
May 17 - 24 |
Prof. Francoise Preteux
(F) |
May 19 |
Prof. Noel Richard (GB) |
May 17 - 23 |
Prof. Nicolas Rougon (F) |