All our users are members of the Image Processing and Analysis Laboratory (LAPI).
We do not collect personal information from the users, such as addresses, phone numbers etc.
The only data we collect is the one needed to create the account: the full name of each person and the password -
which is encrypted by the Linux server, therefore being protected by the system.
We do not share your personal information with any third party.
The e-mails of every user are confidential; they are protected by the Linux system.
We do not use cookies.
We use SSL (HTTPS secure, encrypted connections) to transfer data on Webmail and other programs (like Putty) only on SSH.
We do not accept any un-secured data connections.
The only un-secured traffic is the HTTP traffic for the website.
So, any information or passwords you may send over the Webmail system or other terminal program as
Putty is absolutely safe.