Scoala Internationala de Primavara
Editia a doua, francofona



( Mai 1996, Bucuresti)

Prelegerile constau din cursuri intensive, de nivel postuniversitar, sustinute de profesori renumiti si/sau de tineri cercetatori din tara si strainatate. Prelegerile se desfasoara in limba franceza, cu exceptia celor sustinute de profesorii ne-francofoni care se desfasoara in engleza. Programul scolii este urmatorul:

  • "Mathematical Morphology. From the Basics to New Advances and Applications" (19h), Prof. Françoise Preteux, Institut National des Télécommunications Evry, Département Signal et Image.
  • "Nonlinear Filtering, Classification and Segmentation Methods for the Multicomponent (Vector) Images (color, multispectral)" (18h), Prof. Philippe Bolon, Université de Savoie, Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs d'Annecy.
  • "Digital Image Processing of Satellite Data (Multispectral Scanner and SAR Data, Image Processing, PCI Software Modules, Digital Elevation Models) with Demos" (12h), Dr. Klaus Seidel, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Institut für Kommunikationstechnik, Bereich Fernerkundung.
  • "Digital Signal Processing, Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision with Applications in Medical Imaging and Image Analysis" (15h: 6h tutorials on Image Processing and Computed Tomography and 9h on Research Topics), Prof. Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, The University of Calgary, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
  • "The Computerized Clinic" (4h), Dr. Robert Bider, Hirslanden Gruppe Zürich.
  • "Image Processing Applied" (6h), Dr. Rudolf K. Bock, CERN- Geneva, ECP Division.
  • "A Geometrical Perspective on Multidimensional Signal Processing and Some Neurophysiological and Psychophysical Aspects of Visual Information Processing" (6h), Dr. Erhardt Barth, Universität München, Institut für Medizinische Psychologie.
  • "Long-Range Dependent Processes : A Report on the School in Les Houches (April 29 - May 3, 1996)" (4h), Marius Malciu, University POLITEHNICA Bucuresti, Applied Electronics Department.
  • "Discrete Geometry" (4h), Titus Zaharia, University POLITEHNICA Bucuresti, Applied Electronics Department.
  • "Genetic Algorithms, an Introduction" (2h), Constantin Vertan, University POLITEHNICA Bucuresti, Applied Electronics Department.
  • "Signal Processing for Spread Spectrum Communications" (5h), Prof. Rodger Ziemer, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.

Program  de desfasurare:

April 22 - 30

Prof. Francoise Preteux (F)

April 22 - 26

Prof. Rangaraj M.  Rangayyan (CA)

April 29 - May 3

Prof. Klaus Seidel (CH)

May 2 - 9

Prof. Philippe Bolon (F)

May 10

Dr. Robert Bider (CH)

May 13 - 15

Dr. Rudolph Bock (CH)

May 13 - 14

Malciu Malciu (RO)

May 14 - 15

Titus Zaharia (RO)

May 16

Constantin Vertan (RO)

May 16 - 20

Dr. Erhardt Barth (G)

May 21 - 22

Prof. Roger Ziemer (USA)