Scoala Internationala de Primavara
Editia a treia, francofona



( Mai 1997, Bucuresti)

Prelegerile constau din cursuri intensive, de nivel postuniversitar, sustinute de profesori renumiti si/sau de tineri cercetatori din tara si strainatate. Prelegerile se desfasoara in limba franceza, cu exceptia celor sustinute de profesorii ne-francofoni care se desfasoara in engleza. Programul scolii este urmatorul:

  • "Stochastic modelling and image analysis. From theory to applications" (16h + 8h applications), Prof. Françoise Preteux, Institut National des Télécommunications Evry, Département Signal et Image.
  • "The discrete Fourier transform and its generalisation with applications to coding" (6h), Prof. James Massey, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
  • "Active vision" (4h), Prof. Svetha Venkatesh, Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin.
  • "Elements of information processing in biological vision and some speculations on brain functioning" (6h), Dr. Erhardt Barth, Universität München, Institut für Medizinische Psychologie.
  • "Optimal filtering of images: non-recursive approaches" (12h + 12h applications), Prof. Philippe Bolon, Université de Savoie, Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs d'Annecy.
  • "Optimal Filtering" (18h + 6h applications), Prof. Daniel Baudois, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble.
  • "Bidimensional modelling of non-stationary, stationary increasing processes" (4h), Beatrice Pesquet-Popescu, Ecole Normale Superieure Cachan
  • "Noise suppression using wavelet packages" (6h), Prof. Jean-Cristophe Pesquet, Ecole Superieure d'Electricite, Gif sur Yvette.
  • "Nonlinear filtering with adaptive neighbourhoods" (8h), Prof. Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, The University of Calgary, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
  • "The Hough and Radon transforms and geometric probabilities" (10h), Prof. Jean-Marie Becker CPE - IPL, Institut Polytechnique de Lyon.
  • "Discrete Geometrie of Curves and surfaces" (9h), Prof. Jean-Marie Morvan, Institut Girard Desargues, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon
  • "Segmentation methods and industrial applications of image processing" (12h), Prof. Michel Jourlin, CPE - IPL, Institut Polytechnique de Lyon.
  • "Visual perception in the context of biological modelling" (6h), Prof. Jeanny Hérault, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble.

Program de desfasurare:

April 29 - May 5

Prof. Françoise Preteux (F)

April 29 - April 30 

Prof. James Massey (CH)

May 1 - 6

Prof. Svetha Venkatesh (G)

May 1 - 6

Dr. Erhardt Barth (G)

May 7 - 12

Prof. Philippe Bolon (F)

May 8 -16

Prof. Daniel Baudois (F)

May 8 - 9

Beatrice Pesquet-Popescu (F)

May 12 - 14

Prof. Jean-Cristophe Pesquet (F)

May 13 - 19

Prof. Jean-Marie Becker (F)

May 15 - 20

Prof. Rangaraj M. Rangayyan (CA)

May 17 - 13

Prof. Jean-Marie Morvan (F)

May 17 - 23

Prof. Michel Jourlin (F)

May 18 - 25

Prof. Jeanny Hérault (F)