Image Classification, Search and Sorting


[link to COREL categorization]     basic-level categories sorted according to percentage correct

[link to COREL category labels]     how we categorized the COREL image classes

[pdf]                                            80-citation manuscript

[talk]                                                   slides about the categorization system


The Challenge: Visual image classification is the assignment of a given image to a category such as ‘chair’, ‘animal’, ‘street scene, and so on. This assignment is difficult because categories bear a lot of structural variability, for instance different chairs appear with varying geometry. This geometrical variability is underestimated and not properly expressed in any previous and present classification approach.


Method: I therefore pursue a classification system, in which an image is firstly decomposed into a large number of parameters describing contours and areas. For instance, contour vectors describe aspects such as length, orientation, curvature, smoothness, fuzziness, contrast and degree of isolation in a structure.


Evaluation: The decomposition was evaluated on the COREL draw and the Caltech 101 collection. For each I obtained an average of 12 percent correct categorization, using a simple histogramming approach! Using a vector-based image search, I obtained an average of 22 and 28 percent correct categorization (for the first 100 images). That is extremely promising!


Long-term goal: To obtain perfect categorization, I now need to span the appropriate multi-dimensional space with those parameters, which allows forming abstract category representations.


Evaluation Examples: Here are some example searches (using all 60000 COREL images), specifically similarity-based image searches of which the similar images were basic-level categorized [without color information!]:







Pretty good, but obviously not perfect yet. However that was only the beginning (this was only a histogramming search, without the explicit matching of individual contours). The following shows how specific contours can be (individual contour matching):



And this demonstrates how specific areas (relation between two contours) can be:


The method is obviously highly potential but now requires a clever learning procedure.

The long-term goal is of course to build a complete scene-understanding system.


Image sorting according to aspects, length, curvature, contrast,…




More similarity-based image search: The first one is the sample image, the remaining ones are the detected similar ones (without categorization though):



The following are learned category-specific contours for the Caltech collection, with which I obtained a search performance of 28 percent in average:




Conclusion: The parameterization is very detailed and can obviously be used for categorization and image search to some extent. But now I need to perform more grouping and abstraction.