
I developed the following two courses for POSDRU (EU funding), suitable from undergrad to uppergrad (Master) level:


Computer Vision I              [pdf]

Computer Vision II             [in progress]

Pattern Recognition I        [pdf]

Pattern Recognition II       [in progress]


I taught here and there a bit - throughout the many places I have been - but not in 'grand style' yet.


Seminar at Notre Dame (IN): Concepts in Visual Neuroscience [link]

Single Lectures

Active Vision (in Humans)                       2009, Summer School in Iasi, RO           [slides]

Modeling Human Visual Recognition   2009, TU Dresden                                      [slides][notes]

The Visual System [2 lectures]               2005, Penn-State                                        [slides1, slides2]

The Computing Neuron                           2004, Penn-State

Silicon Neurons & Lab                             1999, ETH Zuerich