Perceptual ANalysis and DescriptiOn of Romanian visual Art
PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-0733, contract 253 din 01.10.2015 |
Image Processing and Analysis Laboratory |
Proiect finantat prin UEFISCDI |
- C. Florea, F. Gieseke ''Artistic Movement Recognition by
Consensus of Boosted SVM Based Experts'' Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation ,
[official link].
- M. Badea, C. Florea, L. Florea, C. Vertan ''Can We Teach
Computers to Understand Art? Domain Adaptation for Enhancing Deep Networks Capacity to De-Abstract Art'' Image and Vision
Computing Journal, Volume 77, September 2018, Pages 21-32 [preprint]
[official link].
- L. Florea, C. Florea, M.-S. Badea, "Recognizing Surreal Compositions in Digitized Paintings" in
Communication 2016, 9-10 June 2016 Bucharest, 10.1109/ICComm.2016.7528331.
[Official link];
- C. Florea, R. Condorovici, C. Vertan, R. Boia, L. Florea, R. Vranceanu,
"Pandora: Description of a Painting Database for Art Movement Recognition with Baselines and Perspectives",
EUSIPCO 2016, Budapest, Hungary,
[Official link]
- Laura Florea "Robustifying Gaze Direction Estimation for Emerging Psychology-Related Applications" CVPR workshop on WICV, 2016 Las Vegas SUA,
- C. Florea, C. Toca, F. Gieske, "Artistic Movement Recognition by Boosted Fusion of Color Structure and Topographic Description"
, WACV 2017 Santa Rosa California USA(~40%acceptance rate), pp. 569-577.
- C. Florea, M.S. Badea, L. Florea, C. Vertan, "Painting genre recognition by deep neural networks and domain transfer" SCIA 2017, Tromso, Norway, 2017,
Image Analysis (LNCS, volume 10269) pp 337-349
- B. Stoica, L. Florea, A. Badeanu, A. Racoviteanu, I. Felea and C. Florea, "Visual saliency analysis in paintings," IEEE ISSCS, Iasi, Romania, 2017, 4 pages
doi: 10.1109/ISSCS.2017.8034906
- M. Badea, C. Florea, L. Florea and C. Vertan, "Efficient domain adaptation for painting theme recognition," IEEE ISSCS, Iasi, Romania, 2017, 4 pages.
doi: 10.1109/ISSCS.2017.8034907
Extended abstracts/ posters :
- M. Badea, C. Florea, "Visual Saliency Cues for Art Analysis", Recent Advances in Artificial Intelligence
RAAI 2017, Bucuresti, Romania
- O.- H. Barbu, I. Mohanu, L. Florea and D. Mohanu, "In-situ pigments characterization
for image reconstruction of wall paintings of Amarasti wooden church",
TECHNART 2017, Bilbao, Spain
Additional publications (discuss facial analysis part of the project):
- C. Florea, L.Florea, R. Boia, A. Bandrabur, C. Vertan,
"Pain Intensity Estimation by a Self-Taught Selection of Histograms of Topographical Features"
Image and Vision Computing Journal, Vol. 56, 2016, Pages 13–27 [preprint]
- A. Bandrabur, L Florea, C. Florea, M. Mancas, "Late fusion of facial dynamics for automatic expression recognition" ,
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, (2017) 25: 2696 - 2707 DOI: 10.3906/elk-1607-113
Reports/Submitted for publication:
- C. Florea, M.S. Badea, L. Florea, C. Vertan, "Painting genre recognition by deep neural networks and domain transfer" 12 pg., submitted for evaluation, 2016
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